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Our Work

This is your Project Page. It's a great opportunity to help visitors understand the context and background of your latest work. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share.

FIrst picture2.jpg



To create this image I utilized the layer blending tool and played withe the saturation of the image after blending. 



To make this image I utilized the overlay feature to combine two images that I felt exemplified my topic. I tried to keep the color scheme on the earthier side with small highlights of color.

third image.jpg



​For this image I utilized the overlay feature. I also tried to change things up by also utilizing the liquify feature. I like how the image has a more abstract look and still maintains the color and overall theme that I tried to exemplify with my other images.



For this image I utilized the clipping mask tool to put an image behind the words that I had written. I also played with the coloration of the image and tried to make it a little bit more moss colored as I don't want my website to have colors that are too vibrant. I also played with other tools such as noise to make my words stand out a little bit more. 

New Project.jpg
New Project (1).jpg



For this image I overlayed two images and also overlayed the text that I wrote. I really like this image because I feel that it includes the color scheme that I am most interested in maintaining throughout my website. 



For this image, I overlayed two images as well as the text that I utilized. I chose an overlay that changed the colors to more mute tones so that the picture could fit well with my other images and overall website.

New Project (2).jpg



For this image, I utilized the magic wand tool to cut out a cherry blossom image and overlaid it on an image of textiles. I thought that the two images would work well together to describe my topic. The more muted and light tones fit within my theme. Additionally, I overlaid the text as well and utilized the effects feature to outline the cherry blossoms pop. 

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